Lasagna Noodles

Lasagna Noodles
Cuisine: Italian
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
  • 1 cup semolina flour
  • 1 cup white flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 Tbl olive oil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • (water but only if needed)
  1. mix flours and salt on a large cutting board, use a dough scraper to gather into a pile
  2. make an indentation in the middle and break eggs into it
  3. add the oil and scramble with a fork
  4. (it’s ok if it leaks out)
  5. use the scraper blend it all
  6. after a point you’ll be able to pick it up and knead it for a bit to make sure it’s well mixed
  7. form into a ball and cover with plastic wrap
  8. refrigerate for an hour
  9. remove and use the scraper to divide into eight roughly equal portions
  10. (no worries, this is not an exact science)
  11. To make the noodles:
  12. dust your cutting board with flour
  13. roll one section at a time into a ball
  14. roll on the board to cover with flour
  15. roll it flat enough to fit into the pasta maker (maybe ¼”?)
  16. start with the widest setting on the machine
  17. run it thru
  18. lower by 1 setting
  19. repeat to the second narrowest setting, you don’t need it TOO thin
  20. Boil each noodle for a minute or 2
  21. i usually boil a noodle while im making the next one